About Company
SALT LAKE EXQUITES CONCEPTS LIMITED was incorporated in 11th October, 2011 with corporate office at N0 280 Effurun/Sapele Road Effurun with wide range of experience
Having a presence both in Nigeria and the main Oil & Gas service regions of the world, we are better placed to respond quickly and efficiently to our clients’ needs. We have the reach and means to deliver on time. Our aim is to exploit technology as much as possible with a view of removing costs from the supply chain for our customers.We have turnkey capacities through an expert network of strategic foreign partners and strong local presence.
Why Choose us
At Salt Lake, we are committed to delivering excellence in every project, from the initial design phase to final installation and maintenance.
Our team
Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry's standard dummy text ever since the 1500s.
Richard Wagner
Building Worker
Lisa Anderson
Building Worker
Tommy Atkins
Building Worker
John Halpern
Building Worker